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Innovation and Intellectual Property Management (IIPM) Laboratory

Scholars have long emphasized the importance of cross-functional teams for the purpose of successful innovation. Some argue that a cross-functional team is essential for product success but recent findings and also mention the inconsistency of research findings. The conflict potential in cross-functional interactions are present due to the problem of heterogenic goals, activities and knowledge.

The concept of organisational citizenship behaviour is grounded on the premise that individual, citizenship-like behaviour supports the effective functioning of the organization. OCB is, despite its appearance in the 80’s, still an emerging stream of research with multiple adaptations and conceptualisations. We aim to develop a novel measurement model based on the OCB theory with a distinct departmental directionality in order to measure behavioural disequilibrium in cross-functional activities.


Project lead: Cihat Cengiz

News & Blog articles

IIPM annual review

20 December 2024

We have summarized some of the key events and achievements of the Lab and our members from 2024 in a first ever edition of our annual review, which is available for download iipm-ctm_annual_review_2024.pdf iipm-ctm_annual_review_2024.pdf .

ALPS team meeting in Cambridge

13 December 2024

It was a pleasure to welcome most the ALPS team to Cambridge. Having worked for some many months together mostly remotely, it was good to see everyone again together in-person. The team works on the Automated Licensing Payment System (ALPS) project currently exploring options to commercialize the technology platform. The...

ECNU guest lecture and alumni meeting in Shanghai

12 December 2024

Following the days at Tongji University, Prof. Tietze provided a guest lecture to students at the East China Normal University (ECNU) as part of the module run by Dr. Aocheng Tang , Assitant Professor at ECNU's Department of Economics and Management and IIPM Lab alumni. This year, at ECNU he started teaching the first ever...