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Innovation and Intellectual Property Management (IIPM) Laboratory

The working papers listed below are selected papers with an IP focus extracted from the CTM working paper series (ISSN 2058-8887).

IP Strategie for Green Innovations - An Analysis of European Inventor Awards

2020/01, January 2020

Pratheeba Vimalnath, Frank Tietze, Akriti Jain and Viola Prifti



Motives for Patent Pledges: A Qualitative Study

2019/11, December 2019

Jonas Fabian Ehrnsperger and Frank Tietze



Integrating Patent Management and R&D. An explorative analysis of the new product development process

2019/09, August 2019

Lilian Hardorp, Cihat Cengiz and Dr Frank Tietze



IP pledges, open IP or patent pools? Developing taxonomies in the thicket of terminologies

2019/07, February 2019

Jonas Fabian Ehrnsperger, Frank Tietze


Keywords: Intellectual property, IP pledge, Open IP, Licensing


A Literature Review on Technology Development Process (TDP) Models

2019/06, January 2019

Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze, Elizabeth O'Leary, Matt Shaw


Keywords: Technology Development Process Models, Literature Review


Technology Strategic Decision Making (SDM): an overview of decision theories, processes and methods

2019/05, January 2019

Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze


Keywords: Technology Strategic Decision Making, Literature review


Intellectual Property Analytics Decisions Support Tool (IPDST) for Early Stage Technology Decision Making

2019/01, January 2019

Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze, Alexandra Brintrup, Sam Deebe


Keywords: Intellectual Property Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Early Stage Technology, Strategic Decision Making



Exploring the Future of Patent Analytics: A Technology Roadmapping approach

2017/05, November 2017

Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze


Keywords: Patent analytics, Technology roadmapping, Patent data, Visualization, Data quality, Data interconnectedness


A Literature Review on the state-of-the-art on Intellectual Property Analytics (IPA)

2017/02, November 2017

Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze


Keywords: Literature review, intellectual property analytics



Ecosystem Strategy in Technology Licensing

2017/01, June 2017

Mingjin Guo, Xianwei Shi, Frank Tietze


Keywords: Licensing strategies, patents, complementors, ecosystems



Open IP strategies for enabling sustainability transitions

2016/10, December 2016

Jan Sternkopf, Frank Tietze, Elisabeth Eppinger and Pratheeba Vimalnath


Keywords: Open intellectual property, sustainability transitions, technology diffusion, Tesla Motors, Nutriset



To own or to use? How product service systems facilitate eco-innovation behavior

2016/04, June 2016

Frank Tietze, Erik Hansen


Keywords: Product Service System, servitization, innovation behavior, environmental externalities, ownership, corporate sustainability




IP strategies and policies for and against evergreening

2015/01, April 2015

Ove Granstrand, Frank Tietze


Keywords: Intellectual property, patent management, evergreening literature review



News & Blog articles

Fraunhofer INT seminar talk

20 November 2024

Prof. Tietze was invited to contribute a talk to the Fraunhofer seminar series. The Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis INT offers scientifically-based judgment and consulting across the full spectrum of technological developments and their interactions with social and economic issues. Prof. Tietze spoke...

Prof. Tietze delivered guest lecture at University of Exeter

19 November 2024

"It was a great pleasure to provide a guest lecture to such bright engineering students at the University of Exeter" says Prof. Tietze, who was invited by Pratheeba Vimalnath, former IfM colleague to provide a lecture titled "Intellectual Property Rights: owning, using & finding them". The lecture focused on why IP is...

Kickoff of another edition of Innovation & Strategic Management of Intellectual Property course

19 November 2024

Every year since 2019, from October to December we run an eight week elective module focused on Innovation & Strategic Management of Intellectual Property . The module is build around what we came to call the Cambridge IP strategy framework. Lectures by Prof. Tietze are supported by a range of guest speakers who...