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Innovation and Intellectual Property Management (IIPM) Laboratory

It was fantastic to see that the EURAM track we started back in 2018 now called "Innovation for Sustainablility, Circularity and GreenTech" has grown into a full and standing track at one of Europe's prime management conferences, this year even with seven sessions spread out across all three days. We had excellent paper presentations and really valuable discussions. Thanks to my fellow track co-chairs Erik G. HansenDr. Julia SchmittKlaus Fichter, Maryse ChappinJouni K. Juntunen, and Edurne A. Iñigo.

It was also super nice to see again former colleagues, such as Dr. Pratheeba Vimalnath (now lecturer at University of Exeter Business School) and collaborators, such as Dr. Sheetal Menon, currently Assistant Professor in Strategy at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Sheetal also presented a joint paper. 

For more details see the following Linkedin posts:

News & Blog articles

IIPM annual review

20 December 2024

We have summarized some of the key events and achievements of the Lab and our members from 2024 in a first ever edition of our annual review, which is available for download iipm-ctm_annual_review_2024.pdf iipm-ctm_annual_review_2024.pdf .

ALPS team meeting in Cambridge

13 December 2024

It was a pleasure to welcome most the ALPS team to Cambridge. Having worked for some many months together mostly remotely, it was good to see everyone again together in-person. The team works on the Automated Licensing Payment System (ALPS) project currently exploring options to commercialize the technology platform. The...

ECNU guest lecture and alumni meeting in Shanghai

12 December 2024

Following the days at Tongji University, Prof. Tietze provided a guest lecture to students at the East China Normal University (ECNU) as part of the module run by Dr. Aocheng Tang , Assitant Professor at ECNU's Department of Economics and Management and IIPM Lab alumni. This year, at ECNU he started teaching the first ever...